Unfiled Return Completion

The IRS Would Love to Take Care of Your Unfiled Tax Returns For You…
Does This Sound Like a Good Plan?

NOT filing your tax returns is a criminal offense.

Punishment for not filing tax returns can be as severe as one year jail time for every year your taxes go unfiled. Don’t think you can continue to get away with it. As the computer system at the IRS gets more complex and sophisticated, the chances of you getting flagged and caught increase exponentially.

But here’s what you can do…

First, let us help you comply with the law. By taking the initiative and filing your tax returns, you can still take advantage of the deductions and allowances due to you. Yes, you are still going to owe taxes, and likely penalties and interest, as well, but if you wait for the IRS to take care of your problem for you, they are going to do so in the best interest of the government with little thought or interest in your bottom line.

By voluntarily filing all delinquent returns, you will save yourself further problems, and we can help you do that.

Once your returns are current, we can look at your total owed and help you create a plan of action to remedy the situation.

Let Us Help:

When Mount Vernon Taxpayers Need to File an Amended Return

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How to Create a Strategic Tax Plan

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A Warning About Social Media Tax Advice for Mount Vernon Taxpayers

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Common Tax Penalties Mount Vernon Taxpayers Can Easily Avoid

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IRS Collection Notices Hitting Your Mount Vernon Mailbox?

One thing you don’t really want showing up in your Westchester County mailbox (besides all of those dental office and windows installation ads) is a collection notice from the IRS.And, for two years, you had a reprieve thanks to the IRS halting many of their...

Succession Planning Strategies for Contracting Companies

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Crypto Tax Reporting and Keeping Mount Vernon Investors Accountable

Picture this: You’ve been dabbling in cryptocurrency – Bitcoin, Ethereum, maybe even a few of those meme coins. You've made some decent trades, seen some gains. Life is good. But there's that nagging feeling in the back of your mind – did you handle the taxes on all...

Money Management Tips You Don’t Usually Hear

The most common money management tips that experts give to people in Westchester County with tax or financial difficulties involve saving, budgeting, and planning.But there’s another money habit that never makes those lists of money management tips, and it’s worth...

Get Ready for the 2024 Tax Season

Rushing to get your records and receipts together can cause errors resulting in penalties. Here are a few areas to focus on to make the season less stressful. Welcome to 2024. 2024 carries forward 2023’s high interest rates which increase the cost of lending, creating...

How Solid Tax Planning Can Ensure Continued Success for Your Business

The primary reason for tax planning is to minimize a company’s tax liability. Tax planning is an integral part of a company’s financial plan. Strategic tax planning involves utilizing the current tax regulations to minimize the taxpayer’s tax liability. The challenge...

Ready to come in for an appointment?

Click here to schedule a time to meet with us. We will NOT make dealing with a tax professional as painful as it’s been in the past!